Our EMPHASIS Is To Have:
Excellent Parent/ Teacher Relationships
Safe environment to facilitate development
Positive Student/ Teacher Relationships
Respect for all Cultures
The child is to be accompanied into the Center by an adult and left in the presence of a staff member. All parents must sign their child in and out each day.
The child should never under any circumstances be allowed to enter the building alone. All children must be delivered to a staff member, by the Parent or Guardian.
Person picking up student must be 18 years of age or older.
The child must meet certain daily health criteria for daily attendance at the Center. The child will not be admitted if he/she is known to have exhibited any of the following symptoms in the preceding 24-hour period:
Temperature elevations greater than 100 degrees:
Rash or blisters of face and/or trunk that are deemed contagious:
Two or more loose stools in one hour or three loose stools in three hours:
Contagious cough:
Persistent lethargy:
Discharge from eyes, nose or anybody orifice:
Swelling apparent in any area of the body whether accompanied by fever or not:
Excessive vomiting (spontaneous and/or within one-half hour of feeding):
If any of the above symptom are observed while the child is in attendance at the Center, the parents (guardians) will be notified immediately and will be expected to arrange for the child to be picked up within one hour. (Please see your Handbook for details).
Childcare Payment
We Care Learning Center do not accept cash, payment can be made by Cashier's Check or Money Order, we also made it easy for you to pay your tuition or co-pay securely online. You can pay electronically from your home, workplace or even your car; Simply click on the "Donate" icon below to do so.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
We request that both parent/guardian and child attend conferences to meet with teachers to go over child’s progress report.
This is an excellent opportunity to reinforce accountability. All parents/guardians are required to attend the scheduled “ Parent Meetings.” If you cannot attend, a representative must attend in your place.
During these meetings parents have the opportunity to learn more about school procedures and policies and become actively involved in further developing both personal and the schools Mission. All parents are expected to participate in all fundraisers for the center.
The parent is responsible for notifying the Center of any change of pertinent information contained in the Registration forms. Simply indicate the information to be changed, and turn the sheet into the office.
* All paperwork must be completed entirely*
The Center is responsible for obtaining current information on all enrollees, and it is impossible to do that without the help of our parents.
The Center invites parents to bring birthday cakes, cookies or party favors for a child’s birthday party.
The teacher can provide the parent with the approximate number of classmates in a child’s class. Please discuss the arrangements with your child’s teacher at least a day in advance of any special event. Birthday cakes must be store or bakery brought.
The Center also tries to conduct parties on Valentine’s Day, and Christmas. Parents may volunteer to bring treats for a child’s class to add to the celebration that the teacher has planned.
Can my provider give medications to my child?
For the convenience of our parents and the well being of your children, We Care Learning & Development center administers medication. However, parent must correctly complete the Medication Request Log. Please click here to retrieve the form.
What will my provider do in an emergency if I cannot be reached?
Upon reenrollment an Emergency Contact form completed for each child. And it is mandatory that all children Emergency Contact form is updated every 6 months.
Please click below to access Emergency Contact form.